It is amazing how quickly life changes! “Life’s a dance you learn as go.” I am back in the single world and truthfully, I couldn’t be happier. I feel like once somebody shows you their true colors, you have to believe them. I always give people the benefit of the doubt…but there are no three strikes and you are out with this girl. It is one mess up and you are done! Life it too short to dwell on things so, I have learned to just let go and know that when one door closes, another one opens. I am not going into detail on why I am single but I will tell you…some guys are idiots. Or maybe I should say, make idiotic choices or how about both ;)? I on the other hand, feel empowered and it really helps me realize how strong of a person I have become. Life is definitely too short to settle and I am using this time to focus on myself. I have to be able to stand on my own two feet independently, before I can be swept off of them. I let one guy break me in the past and I had to put back together the pieces but I think without that experience I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. I have also discovered that if a guy always knows what to say at the right moment…he is not genuine because genuine guys do not have that capability because well, no offense...but they are guys. Or if you have a conversation with somebody about insanity and they explain to you that the definition of it is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results… apparently, people do not choose to listen to their own advice, but who am I to judge? I am excited for what the next chapter of my life has in store for me…just because somebody is not on the same road as you, doesn’t mean they are lost…some people just like to pave their own way ;) It just so happens that I am one of those people.