Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Self-less or Profit?? That is the question...Can't I have both?

Soooo... here it is midnight and my mind is going a million miles per hour so sleep is proving to be difficult. My hope is that getting some of this out on paper will help me sleep. The man which I will refer to as the loml is constantly on my mind. I am naturally a happy person and I was pretty content with life but now that he is a part of it my life is so much more beautiful. I honestly feel like there was a piece of me missing and now I am complete...it is kind of scary to say that but I feel that is what real or dare I say true love is about. He makes me want to be a better person and I am not going to lie...I am a pretty great person as is but I am striving to be better. We both share this passion for life that I feel a lot of people are lacking and every moment that we spend together we never take for granted. The other day he made me promise that I will never become complacent and I love that about him = ) I need more out of this life and it is a constant struggle because working at non-profit organizations is rewarding and I love that it is self-less but it does not pay the bills! I am so ready to be able to stand on my own two feet and be independent but I think I am going to have pick a different job for now…Which stresses me out to no end because job searching is a difficult task and I am not a fan of rejection. I know I need to find a new job because I am stuck in a rut…I am thankful to have a job but I feel like I am worth so much more and I am not even putting my best effort in my job anymore because some of the work I just don’t feel I should have to do. I know that is not the best attitude but I am ready for more…I am ready to spread my wings. So here is hoping I find a new job soon …

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